Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sin is Sin in the Eyes of God

Sin is Sin in the eye sight of the God.
A journalist got me to thinking; and yes I have incorporated some of his wording/thoughts which are now my thoughts in my opinion.  I am entitled.  This is not written for you to dispute, argue, etc.  It is my opinion and how I feel about the matter; plain and simple.
One of the most compelling points about sin comes right out of the bible.  All sins are equal in the eyes of God, which implies that almost anyone in the church who sins is just as bad as any other person standing next to them in the church.  Let’s not forget the sins of omission, the sin of judging one another and all those listed new testament sins that were spoken directly to church (Paul was speaking to church people).   In fact the bible is written mostly to those who are stated followers of Christ.  Sinners are told simply to repent and be baptized for the remission of their sins.  This would seem to argue that in our “ever searching the sins out of others” eyes that perhaps there's no legitimate reason to ostracize anyone and to make them feel as if they are any worse than the other sinner filling up the pews of the church.

On the one hand, as a church member, it reminds me of the rational (intellectual, thinker, academic, brain, scholar, logical, scholarly) acrobatics that many Christians must endure in order to justify a wide array of un-Godly activities, while simultaneously (at the same time) arguing that they are in good standing with the church. In fact, there are people who go to church every week and engage in some of the nastiest, most unethical behavior imaginable. But many of these individuals are the first to condemn someone else for not coming to church and will gladly thump a bible verse on you to show how sanctified they are; and all at the same time not considering if you so much as bad mouth / gossip about a sister/brother you have sin or how about having a dislike for a sister/brother that is made worse because it is not even based upon your own knowledge /experience with the sister/brother.

On the other hand, I see it as a representative of the pressures that the church can put on the thinking (intellectual, etc.) freedom of its members (notice I did not say the word of God). Before children even have a chance to choose for themselves, their religion / belief is chosen for them. Therefore, nearly every aspect of our humanity must be justified by a bible verse or validated by a religious leader in order for us to accept it. My point is that, while most of us can't understand sin to include homosexuality (myself included), the fact is that it exists. We are simply human and since we are all born in sin, have desires/faults/sins that are directed in various ways.  As much as some hate to admit it, God made all people for he says “all souls belong to him (you, us, them and me)”.

Let's pull our heads out of the sand and start being realistic. It is just silly to set ourselves above anyone and judge/condemn them; and we should be careful for the same measure we use to measure can and will be used against us.  We are too fast, pray and be helpers of one another and for sure not seeking to remove a molt from our sisters/brothers eyes unless we are molt free.  Remember we to can be overtaken in a fault/sin.  This is not to say we should not recognize God’s law that shall be written in our hearts and minds if we truly seek, believe and follow the plan of salvation as laid out by the author and finisher of our faith who by the way was free from sin – Jesus Christ as ordain to him by Our Father. 
Question to ask is how is it that the Gospel has gone forth for over 2000 years and none truly get it for if we got it we would have followers of Christ following Christ because we would be likewise following and our lives/actions/deeds would show it (I say we cause if one is weak we are all weak – for we don’t and can’t stand alone – not in the body of Christ).  Word says ALL have sinned and fallen short…. It also says a righteous man will fall….. It says be helpers of one another ….. We are to cover one another in a fault…… Judge not and be not judged….. He who is without sin…..  Love one another and show kindness (paraphrased).  It says with love and kindness…. 
Question to ask is what made the disciples want to follow Christ, what really convicted Paul? Once we have the true answers to these questions can we apply the answers to our lives and live it? 
Another question to ask is “is Christ Jesus” really with us and how we know it?  What are our fruits and can we identify them?  Not what we profess or want them to be but do we really have it/them like the bible says? 
Last question is “is anyone following you and are you investing back into them as Christ have given men/women after his own heart who invested into you?”  There are signs of this as well for it is so much more than having someone just come to church with you and join.  
There is too much work to be done and it does not include bashing/judging or pointing out sins of others.  No we are not to let sin abide 1st in us, but the real truth is if you can’t save yourself how you gonna save someone else unless it is via love and the leading /guidance of the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost will not have you ignorant of hurtful to our sisters/brothers.  The sin is pointed out believe it or not by the life you lead and others seeing it, how you act and others seeing it, what you do and others are seeing it, how you love and others receiving it.  Holy Ghost filled then you can’t help but live his commandments for they are written upon your heart and in your mind.  You will seek the more excellent way to bring a sister/brother and allow God the needed opportunity to shape, mold, purge, cast out, strengthen and most importantly to fill and keep us all saved unto his return.
How about – what are you willing to do and change about you for the manifestation of Holy Spirit and the changing of mankind one person/soul at a time.